Gait Analysis

Gait Analysis at Beacroft Referrals

Gait analysis is a specialist and rare service offered at Beacroft Referrals.

It is a detailed examination of the way an animal moves while walking, trotting, or running.

Beacroft Referrals has one of only a few extended instrumented treadmills in the UK and Europe, which is used for detailed gait analysis. It has been scientifically developed using computer software to quantify lameness as a simple numerical score (GLS) whilst identifying the correct loading and movement characteristics of the gait. Various gait parameters are recorded, providing information such as stance time, touchdown, symmetry, stride length, % pressure and we have the ability to record the improvements made throughout the programme.

Our gait analysis service allows us to diagnose and treat any underlying medical issues related to arthritis and other mobility issues in canines.

In addition, we use video and motion capture technology to get an accurate view of how your pet is moving. This allows us to identify changes in the canine's gait that may be caused by arthritis or another condition. Once we have identified any abnormalities, we can develop a comprehensive treatment plan to help manage and improve your pet's mobility.

List of benefits of Gait Analysis treatment

How can Gait Analysis help my pet?

Gait analysis is a great way to ensure that your pet is receiving the best care and treatment possible for their arthritis or other mobility issues.

 By using this service, we can identify any underlying issues that may be causing your pet's discomfort or limited mobility. With the help of our gait analysis service, treatment modalities can be more specifically targeted, allowing your pet to be able to move more freely and with less pain.

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Dog receiving treatment for Gait analysis using a treadmill

If you have any further questions about our Gait Analysis service contact us.