
Liverpool Osteoarthritis in Dogs (LOAD) questionnaire.

Owner initial visit & follow-up questionnaire for dogs with mobility problems.

Thank you for agreeing to complete this questionnaire. You can either select to complete this questionnaire online via the online version form below, download a PDF copy and email once completed to, or pop it into the centre.

  • The initial visit section of the form is to be completed before your assessment.

  • Follow up visit section to be completed thereafter.

Liverpool Osteoarthritis in Dogs tool (LOAD for short) is a respected and validated tool commonly used in veterinary practice. This questionnaire-based tool can be supportive in identifying and quantifying a dog’s pain, as well as being used during the management plan to assess improvement and deterioration in the dog’s condition.

Your assistance in this endeavour will enable us to gather valuable information about your dog, and is a vital component in our ongoing quest combating arthritis. It is important that all questions are answered to the best of your ability and if you have a question regarding the questionnaire please speak to a Beacroft Referrals member of staff.

Thank you again for your help.

Please complete all sections on the relevant pages as advised by your therapist. Please ensure you complete the correct section and click the calculate button at the end of the questionnaire.

  • Initial visit section (pg 3-6).

  • Follow up section can be found (pg 7-9).

  • Please save completed form and either email (preferred option) or download and complete the pdf and bring it to your next session.

Interactive COAST Form

Click on the link and download this interactive version of the staging tool, which will take you through the process one step at a time and automatically calculate the COAST stage of osteoarthritis (OA) for your canine patients.

Please read the requirements for accurate, trouble-free use of the PDF on the first page of the questionnaire. Please save completed form either via screen shot or as instructions suggest.

COAST is a new staging tool for canine OA recently proposed by leading experts in the fields of orthopaedic health and pain management as a standardised approach to evaluating dogs with clinical signs of OA as well as those at risk of developing OA.

Canine OsteoArthritis Staging Tool