Canine Performance Clinic

This new service aimed at the canine athlete enables us to implement the knowledge gained from working as a sports injury physiotherapist treating numerous elite athletes and teams. 

We will offer pre season screening to identify any possible performance related concerns or weakness. We will objectively manage and rehabilitate our patients through the season of their chosen discipline, and hopefully give them the winning edge!

Canine Performance Clinic at Beacroft Referrals

Dog jumping at the canine performance clinic at Beacroft referrals

The Canine Performance Clinic will involve a physiotherapist conducting the following:

  • Detailed questioning to gather relevant medical history, previous injuries and performance goals.

  • A performance screen; analysing biomechanics during gait, soft tissue flexibility and muscle mass.

  • Detailed pressure analysis review (an instrumented pressure treadmill will be used in order to gather valuable objective data such as step length, duration of step, position of foot falls etc which can highlight potential abnormalities that could lead to sporting injuries).

  • Video analysis of the patient in action, highlighting the area of concern. (To be provided by the owner).

    Collaborating all this information together enables us to tailor a bespoke programme to maximise your dog’s performance and hopefully give you the winning edge and prevent recurrence or future problems.

What to expect during a session

List of the benefits of The Canine Performance Clinic at Beacroft Referrals

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list of ways Beacroft Referrals therapists can help your dog.

If you have any further questions about our Canine Performance Clinic service contact us